Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Blood

The Blood

The Catholic Church has a lot of innocent blood on their hands. They deemed anyone a heretic,who
didn't believe what they believed or stood in their way as absolute authority.

John Wycliffe (1328 til December 31, 1384) was the first to translate the Bible in it's entirety
into English. He also wanted people to worship God the Father and the Son Jesus Christ according to
the Bible and not in the way the popes, bishops and priests wanted. He saw that the Catholic Church
was corruptible. A person had no reason to go to a priest and confess their sins. People could
communicate with God directly and through prayer.

Pope Gregory XI issued no less than 5 papal bulls in order to shut Wycliffe up. Wycliffe went
on to claim that the pope and the anti Christ went hand and hand. He denounced the papal throne as the
throne of Satan.

John Wycliffe suffered a stroke and passed away and 44 years later was labeled a heretic by
Pope Martin V and all Wycliffe's writings burned. But that was not enough for this Pope, He went as
far as to have Wycliffe dug up and burned at the stake. Poor John had stumble onto the Church’s wrath
even after death.

Jan Hus (1368- July 6, 1415) was a priest from Prague. He was the founder of Catherine the
Rose's Moravian Church. He considered the Catholic leadership as corrupt, immoral and given to sin.
The Pope was not a God and was like any other human on Earth. He especially wanted the papal
schism to end. In 1410 the Catholic Practice of indulgences received a surge of popularity. Hus
preached against indulgences.

In 1415 the Church tricked Hus into coming the Council of Constance with a letter promising
they would do him no harm and all they wanted to do was to talk. They Lied! Just as the Devil is the
Prince of lies. They arrested Him and deemed him a heretic and burned him at the stake.

William Tyndale (1494-October 6,1536) was one of my great uncles. William spent His whole
life translating the Bible into English, so that the common people of England could read for themselves.
This threatened the Catholics because their power over the common people would be diminished if
anyone else could read the Bible on their own.

William had to go into hiding throughout Europe to avoid capture. In 1525 he finished his
translation of the New Testament and it was printed in mass and smuggled all over Europe. Catholics
burned a large number of the English Bible in public demonstrations. He finished the Old Testament in

He was finally captured after one of his friends told the Catholic Church where William was
hiding. He was charged with heresy for no other reason than translating the Bible into English. He was
strangled while he was tied to the stake and burned.

The Witch Hunts (1300's-1750) rounded up so called witches and killed people for a period of
450 plus years. If someone didn't like you or you irritated them, they could report you to the Catholic
Church as a witch and they would be at your door step in no time. Just like a blood hound.

The Catholic Church did not think someone could be a witch on their own accord, but was a
product of Satan. Burning a witch at the stake was to cleanse their souls and purify them so they could
enter into Heaven. The Church thought they were doing these people a favor. May God bless your soul
if you had a birthmark or a mole, this was their proof of fellowship with the devil. Anyone who could
swim was deemed a witch, because Satan was the only one who could teach someone to conquer water.
Some methods of torture were flogging, tooth extraction, skinning alive, pulling out of finger and toe nails and/or disembowelment. It was worst than any Nazi concentration camp or Vietnamese prison.

If the “Witch” had a pet, the Church would track down these familiars and kill them. Cats in
Europe were killed most often and become few and far between. This hardly left any cats within
Europe to chase away the rats in which carried the fleas invested with the bubonic plague which caused
The Black Death (1340-1400).

The Crusades (1095-1295) is one of the cases that the Catholic Church put a word “Holy” in
front of something to justify their cause as in “The Holy Wars” and in the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ. The purpose had to do with covetousness and idolatry. The Catholics sent military expeditions
to rescue places and things in the Holy Land. Also for protection of Christian Pilgrims who visited the
Sacred sites. I believe that Jerusalem and the Holy Land was not the Catholics in the first place, it
belonged to the Jews. The Jews did extremely well under Muslim rule as they were allowed to worship
freely. God really did not need the Crusaders to advance his cause. Maybe one of the reasons the
Catholics lost the crusades in the first place.

After the Crusades the Catholics elite fighting force the Knights Templar, who became wealthy during the crusades, loaned a very large amount of money and soldiers to King Phillip of Spain in order to rage war against the English. Pope Clement V sent word to Phillip that there were doubts about the Catholic Nature of the Knights. Phillip paid the Pope a favor and sent his men to gather up all of the Knights Templar and imprison them.

King Phillip accused them of heresy and found them guilty of sins that warranted death at that
time. They were accused of denying Christ, sodomy and idolatry. The idolatry came from the knights
having possession of the Shroud of Jesus (The Shroud of Turin).

They tortured the Knights Templar and if they died during the torture it was deem “righteous
punishment”. They crushed some of their testicles, roasted their feet in furnaces and most of them
confessed during torture of the sins that they had been accused of. They later recanted after their torture
was over with.

How far had the Templar’s had fallen, from defending the Holy Land for The Pope to heretics
and burned at the stake and Catholic tradition continued.

Indulgences (500-1500) were not bloody, but I will place it here to point of heretical nature of
the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church when someone came to confess their sins would charge the
person who sinned an amount of money in order to be forgiven. The bigger the sin, the more it cost.
The Catholic leadership had invented a get rich quick scheme. Sin all you want, say Hail Mary
and pay the toll and you will be saved from eternal damnation. Some of the Catholic leadership went as
far as to tell people that their deceased loved ones were burning in hell and would remain there unless
they paid them money. For the illiterate person who was not allowed to read the Bible for themselves,
they did not know any better.

Blessing of Bombs (1935-1936) The Lateran Treaty of 1929 established a Vatican City-State
when the Catholic Church signed an accord with Benito Mussolini for the exchange of the property and
the Pope promised to back Mussolini's Dictatorship.
The Pope also blessed the aircraft and bombs containing mustard gas before they were dropped
on the Ethiopians (Abyssinia) and The Red Cross in the Second Italo-Ethiopian War.

Sex Scandals (continuing) The Catholic Church's own policy of Clerical Celibacy may be the
blame for the on going sex scandals. Just within the later part of the 20th century and now, has this
problem of priest sexual abusing altar boys, boy scouts and others came into light. The problem of
priest pedophilia will continue until either Christ returns or the Catholic Church goes broke from the

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